
Yummy Wedding Ideas

I know the cupcakes at weddings craze has now firmly taken hold. Even though I have recently been converted to a cupcake lover (thanks Courtney @ Iced!) I am getting a bit bored with the cupcakes at every wedding. If you are as hungry as I am for a new idea read on...

One thing I keep running into are these adorable cake pops. If you aren't familiar it is a cake ball (cake mixed with icing), dipped in chocolate and put on a stick. Check out these adorable bride & groom versions, traditional filigree or super cute tiny wedding cakes.

And then I had to throw in these gorgeous chocolate covered Oreos for my beloved hubby. What a beautiful marriage between a traditional exterior and childhood throwback interior!

So if you have been yearning for alternative to cupcakes...take a bite out of one of these!